‹ Dan Peterson

Reducing nesting in Go functions with early returns

Nov 02, 2015

One of my favorite localized Go refactorings is reducing nesting by using return as early as possible. Take this example, based on a recently-refactored function at Heroku:

func example() error {
  if err := start(); err != nil {
    existing, err := fetchExisting()
    if err != nil {
      return err

    if existing.IsWorking() {
      return nil
    } else {
      return errors.New("found existing but it's not working")

  return nil

This can be hard to follow due to nesting inside if ...; err != nil and use of else. I prefer to return as early as possible and avoid else. Applying that, it now looks something like this:

func example() error {
  if err := start(); err == nil {
    return err

  existing, err := fetchExisting()
  if err != nil {
    return err

  if !existing.IsWorking() {
    return errors.New("found existing but it's not working")

  return nil

This style is mentioned in Effective Go but perhaps isn’t well-known enough. It’s a simple change but one that I feel greatly improves readability.